Thrilled to be Nominated for Best Podcast by The Geekie Awards


Jessica and I are deeply honored to be nominated for Best Podcast by The Geekie Awards. Our podcast Property Lessons from Thor and Civil Procedure from Ant-Man are tales to astonish law professors and legal geeks who love the law. We are simply thunderstruck to be recognized by The Geekie Awards one week after our first San Diego Comic Con panel. This summer has been one excellent adventure for Jessica and I. Thank you everyone who has joined us.

Our podcast journeyed into mystery on whether ownership of Mjolnir could be contingent on being worthy, based on the events in Jason Aaron’s excellent Thor series after the events of Original Sin. Jess and I then geeked out over Civil Procedure in discussing Nick Spencer’s awesome Ant-Man series on whether Tony Stark could sue Scott Lang in California or Florida.

We look forward to the awards show on October 15 at Barker Hanger in Santa Monica. I greatly enjoyed the innovation and fun of the first two Geekie Awards shows. I am very excited to see the new venue for a simple reason: I love airplanes. Having both a grandfather and father who were aeronautical engineers whose careers spanned from Amelia Earhart to the Space Shuttle, it will be a lot of fun to see the Geekie Awards in Barker Hanger.

Voting for the Best Podcast is now live at until August 31. Please vote once a day for The Legal Geeks and help keep civil procedure and property cool.

Thank you all for enjoying The Legal Geeks.

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