Please Nominate The Legal Geeks for the ABA Journal Blawg 100


The ABA Journal is now accepting “Friend-of-the-blawg briefs” for the 2014 ABA Journal Blawg 100. Jessica and I were deeply honored to make the Blawg 100 in 2013 and humbled to have won the vote for the Fan Favorite. To everyone who voted for us, thank you. Your support really means a lot to us.

Josh_CampaignHat2014We ask for your help once again. If you enjoy The Legal Geeks, please take a minute and let the ABA Journal know how much you like our blog by filling out a “Friend-of-the-Blawg Brief.”

I filmed our latest “campaign” video during the Arkansas Bar Association Annual Conference in Hot Springs. They put me in an amazing suite with a Presidential theme. It was only natural to film this quick video.


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