She-Hulk, Esq: A Discussion on A Super-Hero Lawyer


SheHulk_4thWallI loved John Byrne’s Sensational She-Hulk back in 1989. It was a fun ride, from space truckers to breaking the fourth wall.

I have been very impressed with Charles Soule’s new She-Hulk series, focusing more on the practice of law than smashing super-villains.

However, unlike the actual practice, no one gets to fight robots or have judges accept motions without any underlining pleadings.

Marguerite Kenner (@LegalValkyrie) and Alasdair Cookie (@AlasdairStuart) joined me while on holiday from the United Kingdom to discuss the first four issues of the new She-Hulk comic.

We cover many topics, including She-Hulk setting up her law practice, the duty of loyalty to clients, and the legality of secretly recording someone in California from the first issue of the new series.

shehulk_TRO_4654We also analyze whether or not Kristoff Vernard’s Application for Asylum in form I-589 would be granted. Let’s just say he would have challenges overcoming the history of whether he has “persecuted another person” or “represent a danger to the United States.”



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