S.H.I.E.L.D. and First Impressions


Holy fudge!  I’m not surprised but I am thrilled that Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was so freakin’ awesome.  My first impressions (because I know y’all have been waiting for them!) are as follows:

  • I thought the premiere was a ton of fun and a great translation of the Marvel universe to the small screen.  I don’t care what the New York Times says!
  • I love that Gunn is the first guy (and first superhero) we see.  I guess he’s only guest starring (and I’ve been avoiding all spoilers so I don’t know what the long-term plan is) but I hope to see more of him.
  • Speaking of Gunn, it’s great how much Joss uses his actors again.  I was a big fan of Ron Glass in Firefly and really loved him (and his fashions) in Barney Miller, so I was thrilled to see him show up in the premiere.
  • And, finally, the ending’s homage to Back to the Future (we’re big fans of that around here) was great.  They might as well have said, “Roads?  Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.”

Bottom line: I thought the premiere was great and I can’t wait to see how the show develops.  My only question is, if Agent Coulson is still alive, is there a chance Anya is too?  I still miss her.


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Jessica has been litigating business and IP disputes for the past decade. During that time, she’s dealt with clients, lawyers, and judges who have varying degrees of appreciation for the challenges of managing discovery in an electronic age. Until the fall of 2011, she was an attorney at a large, Texas-based law firm, where she represented clients in state and federal court nationwide. That fall, she made a long-desired move back to the Midwest and is now a partner at Hansen Reynolds Dickinson Crueger LLC, a litigation boutique based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she continues to litigate while also consulting with business and law firms on e-discovery issues (before, during, and after litigation arises).

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