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Mutiny on the Helicarrier


A helicarrier is an ocean-going aircraft carrier that can fly. So, in Captain America The Winter Soldier, when HYDRA took control of the Project Insight helicarriers, was that a mutiny or a hijacking? Or some new form of air piracy?

Mutiny-AircraftPiracyMutiny is defined under the Mutiny Act of 1790 as follows:

Whoever, being of the crew of a vessel of the United States, on the high seas, or on any other waters within the admiralty and maritime jurisdiction of the United States, endeavors to make a revolt or mutiny on board such vessel, or combines, conspires, or confederates with any other person on board to make such revolt or mutiny, or solicits, incites, or stirs up any other of the crew to disobey or resist the lawful orders of the master or other officer of such vessel, or to refuse or neglect their proper duty on board thereof, or to betray their proper trust, or assembles with others in a tumultuous and mutinous manner, or makes a riot on board thereof, or unlawfully confines the master or other commanding officer thereof, shall be fined not more than $1,000, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

ALGIC (MUTINY)., 1937 AMC 1611.

Courts have held that a mutiny may occur while at dock in a harbor, either foreign or domestic, as well as at sea. Southern S.S. Co. v. NLRB, 316 U.S. 31, 41-42 (U.S. 1942).

Helicarrier_Mutiny_6822Aircraft Piracy is defined as “seizing or exercising control of an aircraft in the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States by force, violence, threat of force or violence, or any form of intimidation, and with wrongful intent.” 49 USCS § 46502(A). Moreover, a party can commit air piracy even if the aircraft is not in flight, “if the aircraft would have been in the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States had the aircraft piracy been completed.” 49 USCS § 46502(B).

The HYDRA Agents could likely be charged under both statutes, but neither is directly on point, because the helicarriers are flying ships that fit in both, and neither, statute simultaneously. Moreover, the Aircraft Piracy Act appears written with civilian aircraft in mind, however the plain text does not limit its application.

Breaking down the basic facts of Captain America The Winter Soldier, the HYDRA Agents took the ships by force, while other HYDRA Agents took the SHIELD Mission Control Center operating the launch. The actions taking control of the ships occurred in the underground Project Insight dry docks located under the Potomac.

Mutiny_AirPiracy_1075A Court could find the actions of the HYDRA/SHIELD double agents was a mutiny, because the helicarriers were in dry dock, which happened to be under navigable water. Since a crew could be charged with mutiny for a ship in port, a ship in dry dock under navigable water could violate the Mutiny Act of 1790 and its following case law. The fact the aircraft carrier could fly is purely academic.

To borrow from the Wizard of Oz, just because a monkey has wings does not mean it isn’t a monkey: it’s a flying monkey. Same with a flying aircraft carrier.

This does not mean we ignore the fact the Project Insight carriers could fly. Seizing control of the helicarriers arguably was Aircraft Piracy, because the HYDRA Agents took control of the helicarriers through violence and “wrongful intent” to kill a massive amount of civilians. 49 USCS § 46502(A).

We do not have ships that fly in real life, but Captain America has highlighted a strange tale of a legal situation where the SHIELD-turned-HYDRA traitors could violate both the Mutiny Act of of 1790 and the Aircraft Piracy Act.

Traitors of SHIELD


Agents of SHIELD episode “Turn, Turn, Turn,” was an action-packed tie-in to Captain America Winter Soldier. Best episode to date. As expected, a whole bunch of SHIELD Agents need to face a firing squad for being HYDRA.

Out of the Shadows And Into The Light

Every member of SHIELD who served HYDRA, from working on the Project Insight Helicarriers to killing other agents, is a traitor under the United States Constitution.

Treason is defined under the Constitution as “levying War against them [The United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.” United States Constitution, Article III, Section 3.

The trial of Vice President Aaron Burr held that “levying war” against the United States includes those who “perform a part in the prosecution of the war” commit treason. In re Burr, 1807 U.S. LEXIS 406, 10 (U.S. 1807). This requires that a traitor performs a part of an overt act and be “leagued with the conspiracy.” In re Burr, at *13-14.

SHIELD_AaronBurrJudge Smalley in a Civil War opinion explained that acts of treason include a group of people conspiring to mount an insurrection by force and then carrying out their planned insurrection are guilty of treason by levying war. Charge to Grand Jury-Treason, 30 F. Cas. 1032, 1033 (C.C.S.D.N.Y. 1861).

It is well known that war — civil war — exists in portions of the Union; and that persons owing allegiance to the United States have confederated together, and with arms, by force and intimidation, have prevented the execution of the constitutional acts of congress, have forcibly seized upon and hold a custom-house and post-office, forts, arsenals, vessels, and other property belonging to the United States, and have actually fired upon vessels bearing the United States flag and carrying United States troops. This is a usurpation of the authority of the federal government. It is high treason, by levying war. Either one of those acts will constitute high treason. There can be doubt of it. The fact that any or all engaged in the commission of these outrageous acts under the pretended authority of the legislature, or a convention of the people, of any state, or of the officers appointed thereby, or acting thereunder does not change or affect the criminal character of the act. No man or body of men can throw off their allegiance to their government in that way. Nor can any state, or the people of any state, acting in any capacity whatever, absolve any person therefrom. Neither South Carolina nor any other state can authorize or legally protect citizens of the other states in waging war against their government, any more than can the queen of Great Britain or the emperor of France. If any such power is assumed it is without right, and the deluded individual who acts under it is none the less guilty of treason, and liable to be punished therefor.

Charge to Grand Jury-Treason, 30 F. Cas. 1032, 1033 (C.C.S.D.N.Y. 1861)

All of the HYDRA Agents at the Hub levied war against the United States by 1) Being part of the conspiracy to build flying aircraft carriers that target people by DNA for mass executions; 2) Killing Agents of SHIELD in their take over of the facilities in furtherance of Project Insight; 3) all other actions done in prosecution of the war against the US government.

Murder Without Consideration

Better late than never, Agent Coulson was concerned about firing on SHIELD Agents who were only following orders at the Hub, thus ordered the team to use Icers.

That would have been a good idea at the Guest House.

Any SHIELD Agents who did not know who to trust, who were unknowingly following HYDRA orders, would actually have a valid “I was just following orders” defense.

SHIELD_ShootOrders must be lawful for a soldier to argue the “I was following orders” defense. A test for whether an order is unlawful is whether the “the order is so manifestly beyond the power or discretion of the commander as to admit of no rational doubt of its unlawfulness it cannot be used as a cloak of immunity to render justifiable an act which, but for such order, would be unlawful (40 CJS Homicide, sec 107, p 967; Winthrop’s reprint, pp 296, 297; MCM, 1928, par 148a).” (page 365). US v Kinder, 14 C.M.R. 742, 772-773 (A.F.C.M.R. 1954).

SHIELD Agents would have had a hard time in the opening moments of the rebellion to know whether orders were beyond the power or discretion of their commanding officers, because of the mass confusion and not knowing who was who. However, as evidence started becoming clear on who was issuing orders that would levy war against the United States, such as killing unarmed people, would be a clear sign of unlawful orders.

Legal Issues in Captain America The Winter Soldier


Major Spoilers!

Jessica Mederson and Josh Gilliland discuss Captain America The Winter Soldier. The discussion focuses on treason, the necessity defense, insanity defense, how SHIELD could be organized, following unlawful orders and geeking out over Captain America.

Hey Captain America, What Could Go Wrong With a Giant Spy Agency?


Captain America Winter Soldier was my favorite comic book movie to date. Excellent storytelling, with the not so subtle warning of a massive police state. It also highlights how freedom is best destroyed from within through fear.

It is the best comic book action adventure political thriller for attorneys ever.

[Limited] Spoilers Ahead!

Josh_Cap_9195SHIELD’s Organization

We learned SHIELD is headquartered in Washington, DC with a view of the Mall. Moreover, the building is over 41 stories tall, breaking the rule that no building in DC shall be over 5 stories.

SHIELD appeared to be funded by the United States Government with a four person World Council for oversight and project approval. SHIELD had the ability to use data from traffic cameras, access the cellular communication network and online surveillance on the US population. Predictive analytic software was developed to determine who SHIELD should kill from the air prior to an attack being made by the possible threat.

If you do not like Drones, you would really not like Project Insight.

Following Unlawful Orders

Without trying to give away major plot elements, there was a faction within SHIELD trying to achieve goals that would not only be treason, but world domination. There was a significant divide between those following the treasonous orders and those saying “No.”

JudgeWashington_8758DC Circuit Judge Washington in 1813 put it the best on being required to follow illegal orders with, “It is repugnant to reason, and to the positive law of the land. No military or civil officer can command an inferior to violate the laws of his country; nor will such command excuse, much less justify the act.” United States v. Jones, 26 F. Cas. 653, 657-658 (C.C.D. Pa. 1813).

No one can be convicted for NOT following an illegal order. United States v. Jordan, 7 U.S.C.M.A. 452, 456 (C.M.A. 1957).

The SHIELD Agents who openly disobeyed illegal orders when confronted with the truth of SHIELD’s plans were in their legal right to do so. Moreover, those who opened fire on the rogue agents properly did so in defense of those they were supposed to protect.

Necessity Defense & Whistle-blowing

Captain America, Black Widow and Falcon committed multiple felonies in their efforts to stop the evil elements within SHIELD. These actions include destruction of public property, use of weapons in public, stealing government equipment, burglary from a museum, publishing classified material and the destruction of three helicarriers.

Cap_Uniform_9167All of these actions were done in the defense of the world to stop at least the deaths of 20 million people. Captain America, Black Widow & Falcon could argue everything they did was done out of “necessity.”

The necessity defense may be asserted “only by a defendant who was confronted with . . . a crisis which did not permit a selection from among several solutions, some of which did not involve criminal acts.” United States v. Holmes, 311 Fed. Appx. 156, 164 (10th Cir. Kan. 2009). The necessity defense has a three part test:

(1) There is no legal alternative to violating the law;

(2) The harm to be prevented is imminent; and

(3) A direct, causal relationship is reasonably anticipated to exist between defendant’s action and the avoidance of harm.

Holmes, at *164 citing United States v. Benally, 233 F. App’x 864, 868 (10th Cir. 2007).

For our heroes, there was no legal alternative to violating the law; the harm to be prevent was imminent and there was a casual relationship between their actions and the harm to be avoided.

Captain_Salute_4848Treason & Insanity Defense

The Winter Soldier’s story had heavy elements from the comic book, minus any references to Soviet General Alexander Lukin, the Kronas Corporation, or the Cosmic Cube.

The Winter Soldier had a 50 year history of being the used for political assassinations, having his mind erased, and put in suspended animation. Could James Buchanan Barnes be put on trial for treason and acts of war on foreign countries?

WinterSoldier_Remember_9025The United States Constitution defines the crime of treason as “levying War against them [The United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.” United States Constitution, Article III, Section 3.

The Winter Soldier without question committed many acts of treason. However, James Barnes would successfully be able to argue the insanity defense.  A defendant is legally insane if:

1. When (he/she) committed the crime[s], (he/she) had a mental disease or defect;


2. Because of that disease or defect, (he/she) was incapable of knowing or understanding the nature and quality of (his/her) act or was incapable of knowing or understanding that (his/her) act was morally or legally wrong.

None of the following qualify as a mental disease or defect for purposes of an insanity defense: personality disorder, adjustment disorder, seizure disorder, or an abnormality of personality or character made apparent only by a series of criminal or antisocial acts.

2-3400 CALCRIM 3450.

The Winter Soldier had his mind erased each time he was deployed. James Barnes was not in control of his own actions, because he was suffering from medical experiments (what looked like high electric shock therapy) and mental conditioning.  Barnes was literally a blank slate. It was not until Captain America was able to connect with Bucky’s long buried memories that he started exercising free will. As such, Bucky was incapable of knowing his actions were acts of treason.

Senator Stern on the other hand would get a firing squad after being expelled from the Senate.

There is a Reason Spy Agencies Do Not Do Law Enforcement

SHIELD is part military operation and part spy agency. Those two should never go together and neither does well conducting law enforcement. This was very clear from the warrantless wiretapping of Steve Rogers to Secretary Pierce declaring war on Captain America for “lying” to him.

The 4th Amendment requires a warrant based on probable cause for electronic monitoring of their home. Moreover, what is at best an HR violation is not grounds to mobilize an army to kill one person.

Who Cleans Up the Potomac?

Washington, DC was an environmental mess after three helicarriers crashed landed in the Potomac. Ideally, the ships ran on Stark Arc Reactors instead of nuclear power. Nevertheless, there would be massive amounts of jet fuel, explosives, chemicals and the broken hulls of three aircraft carriers that briefly flew. Who cleans it up?

FEMA and the US military (and specifically Navy Explosive Ordinance Disposal teams) would have to kick into high gear to clean up the hazards. Since the equipment was government owned, the Feds would have to face the clean up bill. Moreover, the damage was so massive only the Federal government would have the resources to handle the clean-up.

Agents of SHIELD & Counting Down to Winter Soldier


Jessica Mederson and Josh Gilliland discuss Agent of SHIELD episodes TRACKS, TAHITI, how awesome Lady Sif is, the Constitution, following the 4th Amendment, Marvel Civil War, Nick Fury, Ex-Agent of SHIELD and a whole bunch of other geek issues.

What is Hydra’s Legal Status?


Captain America The First Avenger features Hydra under the leadership of the Red Skull as the principal World War II villains. Hydra begins as Nazi Germany’s advanced weapons division/cult, which then commits mutiny and declares war on the world.

What is Hydra’s Legal Status? Is it a nation-state? A terrorist organization? Is Germany responsible for any post-war activities of Hydra?

There is no question that [fictional] World War II Era Germany was responsible for all actions done under the direction of Hitler and the 3rd Reich. The Nazis built the first bases, funded the research and provided the troops to support Hydra’s operations. All of these actions could be the subject of a war crimes trial.

Things become legally cloudy after the Red Skull murdered the visiting 3rd Reich officers. Hydra made a total break with the Reich, including plans to destroy Berlin, and their own creepy “Hail Hydra” salute.

There is a strong argument that Hydra post-mutiny would be a terrorist organization, because it was no longer sponsored by a nation (in this case, Germany).

Applying the current law to the World War II Era, the Secretary of State could designate Hydra as a terrorist organization because:

1) Hydra is a foreign organization (formerly German);

2) Hydra engaged in terrorist activity 22 U.S.C. 2656f(d)(2)) in that it conducted premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets (though not completed thanks to Captain America);

3) Hydra’s activities threatened the security of the United States.

8 USCS § 1189(a)(1)(A) to(C).

Hydra’s actions included building advanced weapons in secret bases across war torn European countries with the intent to destroy the world, starting with the United States.  Hydra’s flying wing bomber mother ship was launched with the purpose of destroying the eastern United States within an hour. These actions would violate US law and would constitute terrorist activity to “affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction” 22 U.S.C. 2331(A)(1).

Cap_Hydra_1054Germany and the United States had mutual declarations of war against each other. Hydra no doubt would have been included under the US declaration of war as a German military unit. However, after Hydra went rogue from Germany, Hydra legally was a terrorist organization, because it was no longer sponsored by Germany and enacted their own political agenda.

Hydra’s post mutiny actions would subject it to legally be treated under anti-terrorism laws, especially if they continued terrorist activity after World War II. Germany would be responsible for any war crimes Hydra committed before the mutiny, but unless attacking the United States was part of Germany’s plan, Hydra was no longer part of the German military and a terrorist organization.

Geeking Out Over Captain America: Winter Soldier


Comic book fans around the world have been geeking out over the preview for Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The movie looks fun.

The Winter Soldier story arc in the Captain America comic was one of the best written. I normally do not care for the resurrection of characters, but this one worked. Ed Brubaker did an amazing job turning Marvel history on its head.

Lisa_CapAmerica_Thor_3568Captain America is one of my favorite characters. Captain America: The First Avenger is the best stand-alone comic book movie in my opinion.

Captain America represents all the positive qualities about the United States. That we are the good guys; that we stand for justice; that we do the right thing.

Cap stands in extreme contrast to Nick Fury’s shades of grey and secret wars. This nobility of purpose gave Steve Rogers the “worthiness” to use Thor’s Hammer in battle in Thor #390 (Besides Beta Ray Bill and a teenager named Dargo in story that took place in 2587 in Thor #384).

I am expecting that to happen in Avengers 3.

Since It Is a Comic…

When Captain America joined the Avengers in the 1960s, his sidekick Bucky had been killed trying to stop a drone with a warhead on it in the final days of World War II. Captain America fell into the icy waters to be frozen for decades until the Sub-Mariner threw the block of ice with Cap into the ocean to be found by the Avengers in the 1960s (which tends to get updated every 20 years, so our heroes are not in their 70s to 90s). Bucky did not let go did not let go of the drone and was killed.

Winter Soldier re-wrote what was established comic book history.

Josh_WinterSoldier_5328The story centered on former Soviet General Alexander Lukin. Lukin is not happy the Soviet Union lost the Cold War.

Lukin ran a global company named Kronas Corporation as a front for his plans of domination by killing the Red Skull whose spirit was in a clone of Steve Rogers to get an artificial Cosmic Cube.

Lukin was a boy during World War II in the Russian town of Kronas. The town was destroyed in a battle between the Red Skull and the Invaders. Lukin was rescued by Vasily Karpov, who ran Soviet assassinations with advanced weapons during the Cold War.

Karpov was in a stealth Soviet submarine when Cap and Bucky were “killed.” Karpov recovered Bucky’s heavily injured frozen body missing his left arm.

The Soviets kept Bucky in suspended animation and added a bionic left arm. The Soviets would awaken Bucky over 60 years, and due to memory loss from his injuries, reprogram him with orders to kill political targets. Bucky killed the following under the code name Winter Soldier:

November 5, 1954: Three US soldiers in Berlin as a field test;

January 11, 1955: Entire UN Diplomatic Negotiation Team in Cairo;

May 14, 1955: NATO General James Keller;

January 1, 1956: British Ambassador Dalton Graines in Madripoor;

April 1, 1956: French Defense Minister Jacques Dupuy;

May 12, 1956: Algerian Peace Conference Envoy in Paris;

February 17, 1957: US Colonel Jefferson Hart in Mexico City; and

March 12, 1973: US Senator Harry Baxtor

Josh_WinterSoldier_5335Later comics tell of other operations, but those are the initial ones in the original story. The following comics include the Winter Soldier training the Black Widow and a relationship with her.

CapAmerica_4794The Winter Soldier story arc is heavy on espionage with Nick Fury, Sharon Carter and SHIELD. The story began a several years arc, including Civil War and its aftermath.

Cap’s morality is highlighted in Winter Soldier. Instead of thinking he had to kill the Winter Soldier, the issue was how to rescue Bucky from being the Winter Soldier.

Now That You’re Rescued…

Bucky’s decades of killings as a Soviet agent raises many legal issues.

Could Bucky be convicted for crimes he committed as the Winter Soldier? This would become a big issue when Bucky as Captain America was put on trial.

As discussed in Skye Fall, treason is crime of treason as “levying War against them [The United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.” United States Constitution, Article III, Section 3.

A Prosecutor could argue that Bucky as the Winter Soldier physically did commit acts of treason against the United States. The death toll includes soldiers, allied statesmen, a US Senator and a large number of people in Philadelphia to use death to fuel a Cosmic Cube.

Bucky would have a solid insanity defense against charges of treason and murder. The California Jury Instructions state the following on the determining whether a Defendant is legally insane:

The defendant was legally insane if:

1. When (he/she) committed the crime[s], (he/she) had a mental disease or defect;


2. Because of that disease or defect, (he/she) was incapable of knowing or understanding the nature and quality of (his/her) act or was incapable of knowing or understanding that (his/her) act was morally or legally wrong.

None of the following qualify as a mental disease or defect for purposes of an insanity defense: personality disorder, adjustment disorder, seizure disorder, or an abnormality of personality or character made apparent only by a series of criminal or antisocial acts.

2-3400 CALCRIM 3450.

Bucky’s higher brain functions were destroyed in the closing days of World War II. The Soviets reprogrammed him each time he was awaken from suspended animation. He was literally a blank slate. It was not until Captain America used the Cosmic Cube to restore Bucky’s memory that he remembered who he was. As such, Bucky was incapable of knowing his actions were murderous treason.

Bucky should be able to afford a very good defense team. He would have an excellent argument that he was a POW held by the Soviets since 1945 (or was MIA). As such, he would be entitled to back-pay under the Missing Persons Act, 37 U.S.C. §§ 551-558.

How will the movie Captain America: Winter Soldier play out? I do not know. Let’s wait to April 4, 2014 and enjoy the movie.
