The Legal Geeks had one crazy summer…including two panels at San Diego Comic Con. A big thank you to all who attended our panels. Below are the panel descriptions and audio recorded at Comic Con. 

Lawyerbots, Rollout! Law from the 1984 Transformers Cartoon and Comic Recorded Live at SDCC

Do Autobots need to be registered with the DMV and get a driver’s license? Did Megatron and Ratchet have an enforceable contract? Was it child endangerment to send Spike out on missions? See how law is more than meets the eye with our analysis of the Transformers, featuring Kate Bridal (The Legal Burnouts Podcast), Katrina Wraight, Esq., (Best Best & Krieger LLP), Kathy Steinman, Esq., (San Diego City Attorney’s Office), Michael Dennis Esq., (Crabtree Schmidt), Mark Zaid, Esq., (MARK S. ZAID, P.C.), and Joshua Gilliland, Esq., (Greenan, Peffer, Sallander & Lally LLP). Presented by The Legal Geeks.

Law of The Acolyte – Recorded at SDCC 2024

Can Jedi read a suspect’s mind without violating the right against self-incrimination? What are the use of Force concerns in law enforcement? Is it legal for Jedi detain someone and question them without informing the suspect of their right to counsel and right to remain silent? Do witches have a religious freedom to use the Force? Join us and find out with Circuit Judge John Owens, Magistrate Judge Stacie Beckerman, Magistrate Judge Stan Boone, Christine Peek, Esq., Stephen Tollafield Esq., and Joshua Gilliland, Esq. (Greenan, Peffer, Sallander & Lally LLP). Presented by The Legal Geeks.

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