Riding the Liability Train at Smugglers Run in Galaxy’s Edge


Smugglers Run in Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland is a dream come true for any fan of Star Wars. It is a wicket good time, regardless if the first time you saw the Millennium Falcon was at a drive-in theater, VHS tape, DVD, Blu Ray, or Streaming. We live in an age of wonder where entering Galaxy’s Edge is like walking into a Star Wars movie.

It is also a great lesson in to break all sorts of laws.

The ride’s story is as follows: Hondo Ohnaka (from Clone Wars and Rebels) has formed Ohnaka Transport Solutions, which is based the Black Spire on Batuu, which is operating the Millennium Falcon on loan from Chewbacca. The “job” from Ohnaka Transport Solutions is to intercept a First Order train shipment of Coaxium on Corellia. Let’s jump to lightspeed over the legal issues with such an endeavor.

Are We Space Pirates or Privateers?

Traveling through space to “appropriate” hyper-fuel from the First Order sounds a lot like piracy. The law defines piracy as, “Any illegal acts of violence, detention or any act of depredation, committed for private ends by the crew or the passengers of a private ship or a private aircraft, and directed.” 1958 U.S.T. LEXIS 31, Article 15, section 1 (The Convention of the High Seas).

The Millennium Falcon is a private aircraft that was used to shoot down First Order Tie Fighters in order to shoot at a train for the goal of capturing its cargo. That meets the textbook definition of piracy. However, such a reading of the law ignores the fact the First Order was a political movement that destroyed the Republic with Starkiller Base. That is not the basis for forming a government, to say nothing about the consent of the governed. The First Order at its core is a terrorist group that was successful in committing genocide of Hosnian Prime. They are nothing but war criminals that murder civilians by the billions.

From a certain point of view, Ohnaka Transport Solutions could be viewed as employing privateers with the Millennium Falcon. The early definition of a “privateer” is a vessel owned by one or by a society of private individuals, armed and equipped at his or their expense, for the purpose of carrying on a maritime war, by the authority of one of the belligerent parties. Bouvier, 1853, PRIVATEER, war. It is worth noting that privateers are now banned under the Hague Convention VII of 1907, the Convention Relating to the Conversion of Merchant Ships into War.

In our case, Chewbacca is a member of the Resistance, the presumptive legal owner of the Falcon (there is a chance it could belong to Leia, but certainly not Kylo Ren after killing Han Solo, because murdering a parent would cut off his inheritance). Chewbacca loaned the Falcon with the express purpose of a military operation against the First Order. The First Order’s destruction of the capital of the New Republic was the first shot in a war over freedom verse tyranny. This makes anything for the First Order’s war effort a legitimate military target. As such, the Falcon being sent on a mission to harm the war effort of the First Order would make Ohnaka Transport Solutions engaged in privateering.

There are some imperfections to the argument; given there is no longer a government for the New Republic. However, given every nation does have a right to self-defense, no one has to bow down to the First Order.

Train Wrecking

The only way to steal the Coaxium on the train carrying the fuel was to shoot the train, causing one of the cars to derail. This is the black letter law definition of “train wrecking.” California Penal Code § 218 defines the law as follows:

Every person who unlawfully throws out a switch, removes a rail, or places any obstruction on any railroad with the intention of derailing any passenger, freight or other train, car or engine, or who unlawfully places any dynamite or other explosive material or any other obstruction upon or near the track of any railroad with the intention of blowing up or derailing any such train, car or engine, or who unlawfully sets fire to any railroad bridge or trestle, over which any such train, car or engine must pass with the intention of wrecking such train, car or engine, is guilty of a felony, and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for life without possibility of parole.

Flying the Falcon behind the train, shooting at train cars, and harpooning the Coaxium, is the use of explosives to blow up the train, causing a derailment. Flight crews could be charged and convicted of train wrecking, if this was an ordinary crime not committed as a war time measure against the First Order.


Since the name of the ride is Smugglers Run, it is illegal to smuggle goods into or out of the United States. See, 18 U.S.C.S. §§ 554 and 545. The relevant issue for the independent contractors employed by Ohnaka Transport Solutions, is the Falcon is being used to transport hyper-fuel. Ironically there is not much in trying to conceal the fuel in the heist, because it is an armed attack on a First Order train. That aside, the ride Smugglers Run does live up to the legal definition of smuggling.

Thoughts on Smugglers Run 

Smugglers Run sets a new gold standard for amusement park rides. The line experience takes attendees through passageways that look like the halls of Hoth or Yavin IV. The attention to detail is mindblowing. Highly recommend visiting Galaxy’s Edge, preferably with friends and family.

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