We Made the ABA Journal Web 100 for Best Legal Blogs AND Podcasts


The feelings Jessica Mederson and I have with being named to the 2017 ABA Journal Web 100 for BOTH the Best Law Blog and Best Law Podcast categories can be described as deeply humbling and wanting to high-five everyone.

This is our fifth year being recognized by the ABA Journal and we are very grateful. Thank you to everyone who reads our blog and listens to our podcast.

The editors of the ABA Journal redefined the Blawg 100 this year to also recognize podcasts and social media into the new Web 100. The fact The Legal Geeks was recognized in two out of the three categories is extremely cool.

Here is what the ABA Journal said about our podcast:

“Jessica Mederson and Joshua Gilliland watch the latest superhero sequel and wonder how the courts would sort out the carnage. Heavy doses of comic books and sci-fi make this chatty podcast a guilty pleasure for fans of the Justice League and other defenders of justice.”

Here is what the ABA Journal said of our blog:

As superhero and sci-fi movies and TV are surging in popularity, this blog explores the plotlines of Hollywood projects and comic books for potential legal issues. Blogger and podcaster Joshua Gilliland’s geek cred is only rising: He co-hosted panels this year at San Diego Comic Con (for the third time) and San Francisco Comic Con. Gilliland’s favorite practice areas seem to be the Star Wars and Star Trek franchises and Marvel comics.

We have had an amazing year blogging, podcasting, and speaking at Cons. It is very rewarding to see the number of non-lawyers who attend a legal panel with thoughtful questions. Our adventures this year have included:

An X-Men Mock Hearing on the Constitutionality of Sentinels Hunting Mutants at San Diego Comic Fest

Rogue Law, Legal Analysis of Rogue One at San Diego Comic Fest

I am One with the Law: The Law of Star Wars at Nerd Nite LA

I am One with the Law at the Appellate Judicial Attorneys Institute

Star Trek: Law – The Final Frontier at Silicon Valley Comic Con

Sweet Christmas! A Mock Trial to Prove Luke Cage is Innocent at San Diego Comic Con

Judges on Star Wars at San Diego Comic Con

Defending the Defenders at San Francisco Comic Con

Jack Kirby on Civil Rights at San Francisco Comic Con

The Law Will be with You: The Law of Star Wars at San Francisco Comic Con 

We want to thank everyone who has joined us for our adventures the past year. We thank the ABA Journal and their judges for being an honoree in the Best Blog and Podcast categories. A very special shout out to Illusive Comics and Games, where we have recorded many podcasts, and Time Tunnel Toys, for their help in finding vintage action figures for blog posts. This year has been exceptional and we look forward to the future.

About the ABA Journal:

The ABA Journal is the flagship magazine of the American Bar Association, and it is read by half of the nation’s 1.1 million lawyers every month. It covers the trends, people and finances of the legal profession from Wall Street to Main Street to Pennsylvania Avenue. ABAJournal.com features breaking legal news updated as it happens by staff reporters throughout every business day, a directory of more than 4,000 lawyer blogs, and the full contents of the magazine.

About the ABA:

With nearly 400,000 members, the American Bar Association is the largest voluntary professional membership organization in the world. As the national voice of the legal profession, the ABA works to improve the administration of justice, promotes programs that assist lawyers and judges in their work, accredits law schools, provides continuing legal education, and works to build public understanding around the world of the importance of the rule of law.

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