San Francisco Comic Con Memories!


We had an amazing time at San Francisco Comic Con. Thank you everyone who attended our panels and the show organizers. A big thank you to all of our panelists, including Circuit Judge John B. Owens from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Angela Storey, Michael Dennis, and Crystal Swanson. Below are the slides to the presentations and audio recorded at each panel.

Defending the Defenders, Friday, September 1, 600pm to 700pm, Room 2006


The characters of Marvel’s Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist all face different legal challenges. Could Matt Murdock be disbarred for being Daredevil? How accurate was the trial of the Punisher? What would lawyers need to prove the actual innocence of Luke Cage?

It was a blast to present with Angela Storey. Angie and I coached high school mock trial together. Angie is a true geek who loves comics and science fiction.

Jack Kirby on Civil Rights, Saturday, September 2, 830pm-930pm, Room 3022


Mike Dennis is one of my best friends from law school. Presenting with Mike and his wife Crystal Swanson was a total joy. Both love comics and spent a lot of time researching the life of Jack Kirby. It was a lot of fun helping them shop for comic art for their home.

The Law Will be With You: Celebrating 40 Years of Star Wars Law, Sunday, September 3, 1130am to 1230pm, Room 2006


Circuit Judge Owens is one of the most prolific geek judges on the bench today. He has a great love of Star Wars, comics, Game of Thrones, and all things science fiction. It was awesome for him to join us at SFCC to discuss Star Wars.

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