Join us for X-Men and Star Wars at San Diego Comic Fest 2017


We are very excited to return to San Diego Comic Fest with a new Star Wars panel and mock hearing based on the X-Men. The X-Men mock hearing is being argued by law students from McGeorge and California Western law schools. United States Magistrate Judge Mitch Dembin will preside over the mock hearing. The law students are briefing their arguments, which will be posted on The Legal Geeks before the mock hearing.

Rogue Law: We Are One with the Force, Saturday, 1100am, Palm B.

US Magistrate Judge Mitch Dembin, California Judge Carol Najera, Megan Hitchcock, Esq., and Joshua Gilliland, Esq., from The Legal Geeks, are all Star Wars fans. Rogue Law will discuss the legal issues from Rogue One, A Star Wars Story, including the Empire drafting Galen Erso to build the Death Star, whether Cassian Andor killing Tivik was murder, and the desertion of Bodhi Rook. The panel will debate whether the Dark Side an addition or a lifestyle choice.

X-Men Mock Trial on Mutant Rights, Saturday, 300pm, Montgomery Theater

Are Mutants human beings? Can Mutants be forced to Register with the Federal Government? Could Sentinels be used to summarily execute unregistered Mutants based on their DNA? US Magistrate Judge Mitch Dembin will preside over this fictional mock hearing inspired by the X-Men comics and movies. Law students from California Western and McGeorge law schools will argue over a motion to stop the Government, involving Civil Rights and National Defense after a mass casualty incident caused by Mutants.

Check out the mock DOJ and DOD memos authorizing the use of Sentinels on Mutants!


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