Join us at Long Beach Comic Con for Daredevil and Jessica Jones


Join fellow McGeorge alumni Megan Hitchcock and I for our first appearance at Long Beach Comic Con. We are excited to be presenting on the legal issues in Marvel’s Daredevil and Jessica Jones, Sunday, September 18, at 330pm, for “The Lawyers of Hell’s Kitchen.”

We look forward to seeing you at Long Beach Comic Con!

Program Information:

Marvel’s Daredevil and Jessica Jones both focus on lawyers and the practice of law, from Matt Murdock’s creative pro bono community service fighting crime to Jessica Jones serving a summons. Join us to determine if Karen Page properly acted in self-defense when she shot Wesley; whether Matt Murdock or Jeri Hogath is most likely to be disbarred; what would be the best way to defend the Punisher; and how the insanity defense applies to those under mind control. Join us when court is in session.

Date: Sunday, September 18, 2016

Time: 3:30-4:30 PM

Location: Danger Room, S1


  1. […] * Are political differences killing the U.S.’s economic growth? [Tax Prof Blog] * Prison reforms may actually be coming to Rikers Island. An analysis of the case that led to the changes. [Cityland] * A profile of Justice John Stevens that focuses on his love of baseball and his dissent in Bush v. Gore. [Chicago Daily Law Bulletin] * Will the Roger Ailes sexual harassment scandal lead to shareholder litigation for parent company 20th Century Fox? [Law and More] * Dissecting the work patterns of the Supreme Court (think longer opinions and more briefs). [Empirical SCOTUS] * If you’re at Long Beach Comic Con, check out the “Lawyers of Hell’s Kitchen” panel for all the legal issues you need to know about Marvel’s TV universe. [The Legal Geeks] […]

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