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Thanks, 2014!

TurkeyIt’s that time of the year again, where we all think about what we’re thankful for (before we start thinking about what we want next!), so I’m here to say thanks for a great year!

Thanks to Josh, who is an awesome blogging partner whose great work on Guardians of the Galaxy (among other posts, like those on Captain America and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) got us named to the ABA Journal Blawg 100 for the second year in a row (thanks, ABA Journal!).

Thanks to the geek world, which is getting better and better about giving us stories with great women.  My favorite, Wonder Woman, has been around for years, but I love her as the God of War.  And the new Goddess of Thunder is awesome! Even the news for future years – like the Agent Carter show and Captain Marvel movie – was exciting news this year.

And, finally, thanks to all of the family, friends, and fellow geeks out there.  You make life brighter and I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful holiday season!

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